How Gary Anthony Williams Lost Over 155 Pounds and Transformed His Life


Gary Anthony Williams Weight Loss

Gary Anthony Williams is a well-known actor, comedian and voice actor who has appeared in many popular shows and movies, such as The Boondocks, Malcolm in the Middle, Boston Legal, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, and The Crew. He is also a co-founder of the L.A. Comedy Shorts Film Festival.

But what many people may not know is that Williams has also undergone a remarkable weight loss journey that has changed his health, appearance and confidence. Williams, who was once over 360 pounds, has managed to lose more than 155 pounds over the course of 18 years.

How did he do it? What motivated him? What challenges did he face? And what advice does he have for others who want to follow his example? In this article, we will explore the inspiring story of Gary Anthony Williams’ weight loss and how he got in shape.

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Gary Anthony Williams Weight Loss

The Beginning of Gary Anthony Williams Weight Loss Journey

Williams realized his love for acting when a computer error in high school accidentally signed him up for a drama class and he was too lazy to get out of it. He pursued his passion and became a successful actor and comedian, but he also struggled with his weight for most of his life.

He said that he was always overweight, even as a child, and that he used food as a coping mechanism for stress and emotions. He also said that he was addicted to sugar and junk food, and that he did not exercise much.

He said that he did not pay much attention to his weight or health until he had a wake-up call in 2001, when he was diagnosed with diabetes. He said that his doctor told him that he had to lose weight or he would die. He said that he was scared and shocked, and that he decided to take action.

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Gary Anthony Williams Weight Loss

His Weight Loss Methods and Results

Williams said that he started his weight loss journey by changing his diet and cutting out sugar, processed foods, and animal products. He said that he became a vegetarian and later a vegan, and that he learned to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. He said that he also drank more water and less soda and alcohol.

He said that he also started to exercise more, and that he found activities that he enjoyed, such as walking, hiking, biking, swimming, and dancing. He said that he also joined a gym and worked with a personal trainer, who helped him with strength training and cardio. He said that he also did yoga and meditation, which helped him with his mental and emotional well-being.

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Gary Anthony Williams Weight Loss

He said that he lost weight gradually and steadily, and that he did not follow any fad diets or quick fixes. He said that he focused on making lifestyle changes that he could sustain for the long term. He said that he also did not weigh himself often, but that he measured his progress by how he felt and how his clothes fit.

He said that he lost about 100 pounds in the first two years of his weight loss journey, and that he continued to lose more weight over the next 16 years. He said that he currently weighs about 195 pounds, which means that he has lost about 155 pounds in total. He said that he also reversed his diabetes and improved his blood pressure, cholesterol, and energy levels.

His Challenges and Motivations

Williams said that his weight loss journey was not easy, and that he faced many challenges and temptations along the way. He said that he sometimes had cravings for his old favorite foods, and that he sometimes felt discouraged or frustrated by his slow progress. He said that he also had to deal with some negative comments and reactions from other people, who either did not recognize him or did not support his changes.

He said that he overcame these challenges by reminding himself of his goals and reasons for losing weight. He said that he wanted to live longer and healthier, and that he wanted to be a good role model for his son, Ethan, who was born in 2004. He said that he also wanted to improve his career and his self-esteem, and that he wanted to prove to himself and others that he could do it.

He said that he also found motivation and support from his wife, Leslie, who he married in 1997, and who also adopted a vegan lifestyle with him. He said that she was his best friend and partner, and that she encouraged him and celebrated his achievements with him. He said that he also found inspiration and guidance from other celebrities and experts who had lost weight or promoted healthy living, such as Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Neal Barnard.

His Advice and Tips for Others

Williams said that he is proud of his weight loss and that he feels happier and healthier than ever. He said that he is not obsessed with his weight or appearance, but that he is mindful of his choices and habits. He said that he still enjoys food and life, but that he does so in moderation and balance. He said that he also continues to exercise and meditate regularly, and that he tries to have fun and be positive.

He said that he wants to share his story and his tips with others who want to lose weight or improve their health. He said that he is currently working on a cookbook, which will feature his favorite vegan recipes and tips. He said that he also speaks at events and podcasts, where he talks about his weight loss journey and his comedy career.

He said that his main advice for others is to start small and be consistent. He said that they should not try to change everything at once, but that they should make gradual and realistic changes that they can stick to. He said that they should also not compare themselves to others, but that they should focus on their own goals and progress. He said that they should also not give up or feel guilty if they make mistakes, but that they should learn from them and move on.

He said that his other tips for others are to:

  • Find a diet and exercise plan that works for them and that they enjoy.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables, and fiber, and less fat, salt, and processed foods.
  • Eat slowly and mindfully, and stop when they are full.
  • Plan ahead and prepare healthy meals and snacks.
  • Keep a food and exercise journal or use an app to track their intake and output.
  • Set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART) goals and reward themselves for reaching them.
  • Find a support system of family, friends, or online communities who can motivate and help them.
  • Seek professional help from a doctor, nutritionist, or trainer if they need it.
  • Celebrate their successes and appreciate their efforts.


How much weight did Gary Anthony Williams lose?

Gary Anthony Williams lost about 155 pounds over the course of 18 years, going from 360 pounds to 195 pounds.

How did Gary Anthony Williams lose weight?

Gary Anthony Williams lost weight by changing his diet and exercise habits. He became a vegan and ate more plant-based foods, and he exercised more by doing activities that he liked. He also practiced yoga and meditation, and he made lifestyle changes that he could sustain for the long term.

Why did Gary Anthony Williams lose weight?

Gary Anthony Williams lost weight because he wanted to improve his health, his career, and his confidence. He also wanted to live longer and be a good role model for his son. He was motivated by his diabetes diagnosis and his love for his wife.

Is Gary Anthony Williams still vegan?

Yes, Gary Anthony Williams is still vegan and he follows a plant-based diet. He said that he enjoys vegan food and that he feels better and healthier by eating this way. He said that he also cares about the animals and the environment, and that he wants to promote veganism as a way of living.

What is Gary Anthony Williams doing now?

Gary Anthony Williams is still working as an actor, comedian and voice actor. He is currently starring in the Netflix comedy series The Crew, where he plays Chuck Stubbs, the crew chief of a NASCAR team. He is also working on a cookbook, which will feature his vegan recipes and tips. He also speaks at events and podcasts, where he talks about his weight loss journey and his comedy career.

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