How Jimmy White Lost Weight and Improved His Snooker Performance


Jimmy White Weight Loss

Jimmy White is one of the most legendary snooker players of all time. He has won 10 ranking titles, reached six World Championship finals, and entertained millions of fans with his flair and charisma. However, he also struggled with various health and personal issues, such as cancer, crack addiction, gambling, and obesity. In this article, we will explore how Jimmy White managed to lose a lot of weight by watching what he eats, and how this affected his snooker performance and well-being.

The Whirlwind’s Health Problems

Jimmy White was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1995, and underwent surgery to remove one of his testicles. He recovered from the disease, but later admitted that he used crack cocaine to cope with the pain and stress. He also developed a gambling habit that cost him over a million pounds, and often drank heavily and smoked cigarettes. These habits took a toll on his health and his snooker career, as he gradually slipped down the rankings and lost his place in the top 16.

White also gained a lot of weight over the years, reaching 15 stone (95 kg) at his heaviest. He said in an interview with The Guardian that he was “eating rubbish” and “drinking too much”. He added: “I was always out of breath. I couldn’t bend down properly. I was a mess.”

The Whirlwind’s Weight Loss Journey

Jimmy White decided to change his lifestyle and lose weight after he met his girlfriend, Jade Slusarczyk, a former Miss European. He said that she inspired him to eat healthier and exercise more. He also credited his friend and fellow snooker player, Steve Davis, for giving him advice and encouragement.

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Jimmy White Weight Loss

White started to watch what he eats, and cut down on alcohol, sugar, and processed foods. He also began to do regular workouts, such as walking, cycling, and swimming. He said in an interview with Eurosport that he felt “the best he had for a long time” because he had lost a lot of weight. He revealed that he had dropped from 15 stone to 12 stone (76 kg) in 18 months, and aimed to lose another stone.

White also said that his weight loss had a positive impact on his snooker performance and confidence. He said: “I can get down on the shots better, I can concentrate longer, and I feel more comfortable at the table.” He also claimed that he had regained his passion and enjoyment for the game, and hoped to win more titles and qualify for the World Championship again.


How old is Jimmy White?

Jimmy White was born on May 2, 1962, in Tooting, London. He is currently 61 years old.

How many times did Jimmy White reach the World Championship final?

Jimmy White reached the World Championship final six times, in 1984, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994. He lost all six finals, four of them to Stephen Hendry, one to Steve Davis, and one to John Parrott.

What is Jimmy White’s highest ranking?

Jimmy White’s highest ranking was number two, which he achieved in 1992 and 1993. He is widely regarded as the best player never to have been world number one.

What is Jimmy White’s current ranking?

Jimmy White’s current ranking is 103, as of April 2024. He is still playing on the professional tour, and also competes in the World Seniors Tour.

What is Jimmy White’s nickname?

Jimmy White’s nickname is “The Whirlwind”, which reflects his fast and attacking style of play. He is also known as “The People’s Champion”, because of his popularity and charisma.

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