How Maneet Chauhan Lost 40 Pounds Without Giving Up Wine and Chocolate


Maneet Chauhan’s Weight Loss

Maneet Chauhan is a famous chef, author, restaurateur, and TV personality who has been a judge on the Food Network’s Chopped since 2010. She is also the co-owner of the restaurant Chauhan Ale and Masala House in Nashville and the co-founder of the Morph Hospitality Group.

But besides her culinary achievements, Maneet Chauhan has also impressed many people with her stunning weight loss transformation. She managed to lose 40 pounds by following a simple and realistic strategy that did not involve any restrictive diets or surgeries. In this article, we will explore how Maneet Chauhan achieved her weight loss goals and what we can learn from her journey.

Maneet Chauhan’s Weight Loss Strategy

Maneet Chauhan decided to lose weight for a very personal reason: to be a better role model for her two children, Shagun and Karma. She realized that she was not setting a good example for them by being overweight and not taking care of herself. She also wanted to be healthy and feel good about herself.

But as a chef who eats for a living, Maneet Chauhan could not follow any specific diet that would limit her food choices or intake. She had to find a way to balance her work and her health. That’s why she opted for a simple and effective strategy: tracking her calories and increasing her physical activity.

Maneet Chauhan used an app called MyFitnessPal to log everything she ate and drank. She aimed to consume around 1,200 calories per day, which would allow her to create a calorie deficit and lose weight. But she did not deprive herself of the things she loved, such as wine and chocolate. She said in an interview with Parade:

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Maneet Chauhan’s Weight Loss

I kept to 1,200 calories a day, which would pretty much start with me logging my two glasses of wine and two pieces of chocolate, so I knew what I had left.

Maneet Chauhan also made sure to move more and burn calories. She set a goal of taking at least 10,000 steps every day, which she tracked with a Fitbit. She also incorporated some yoga and other exercises into her routine. She said:

If I’m at the airport and the lounge is over there, I’m like, ‘No, I haven’t done my steps.’ So I walk from one end of the airport to the other with my suitcase.

By following this simple and realistic strategy, Maneet Chauhan was able to lose 40 pounds and achieve her desired weight. She also noticed other benefits, such as improved energy, mood, and confidence. She said:

It’s not only about the way you look, it’s about the way you feel. And I feel great.

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Maneet Chauhan’s Weight Loss


How old is Maneet Chauhan?

Maneet Chauhan was born on October 27, 1976, in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. She is 48 years old as of 2024.

What is Maneet Chauhan’s net worth?

Maneet Chauhan’s net worth is estimated to be between $1 million and $4 million. She earns her income from her various ventures, such as her restaurants, cookbooks, and TV appearances.

What is Maneet Chauhan’s religion?

Maneet Chauhan was born into a Sikh household in India. She has not publicly stated her current religious beliefs or practices, but she has expressed her respect and appreciation for different cultures and cuisines. She said in an interview with The Hindu:

I love the fact that I am a global citizen. I love the fact that I can appreciate different cultures, different cuisines, different people. That’s what makes life so interesting.

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