Ana Navarro: How She Lost Weight and Became Healthier


Ana Navarro: How She Lost Weight and Became Healthier

Ana Navarro is a well-known political commentator and strategist who appears on various TV shows and news outlets, such as CNN, ABC News, Telemundo, and The View. She is also a member of the Republican Party and a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump. But apart from her political views and opinions, Navarro has also attracted attention for her remarkable weight loss journey in the past year. According to some sources, she has lost over 30 pounds with the help of a strict diet, exercise, and a medication called Ozempic. In this article, we will explore how Navarro achieved her weight loss goals and what she learned from the process.

What motivated Navarro to lose weight?

Navarro has been candid about her struggles with weight throughout her life. She said that she was always overweight as a child and a teenager, and that she tried various diets and programs to slim down, but none of them worked for her. She also said that she had a family history of diabetes and heart disease, which made her more concerned about her health.

In August 2020, Navarro decided to make a drastic change in her lifestyle and joined a wellness retreat at the Rancholapuerta spa in Mexico with her lifelong friends. The retreat involved cooking and adopting healthier eating habits, as well as intensive exercise classes. Navarro said that the experience was a “reboot” for her body and mind, and that she came back six pounds lighter and determined to get healthier.

What did Navarro do to lose weight?

After returning from the spa, Navarro sought professional assistance and collaborated with a nutritionist and a medical supervisor. She learned that she was pre-diabetic and that she needed to lower her blood sugar levels and cholesterol. She also started taking Ozempic, a medication that is used to treat type 2 diabetes and that has been shown to help with weight loss. Navarro said that the medication helped her control her appetite and cravings, and that she had no side effects from it.

Ana Navarro How She Lost Weight and Became Healthier 1
Ana Navarro: How She Lost Weight and Became Healthier

Navarro also changed her eating habits and cut back on alcohol, sugar, carbs, and processed foods. She said that she started eating more salads, vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats. She also said that she pre-ordered healthy meals on planes and avoided temptation when traveling. She said that she did not follow a specific diet, but rather made conscious choices that suited her needs and preferences.

Navarro also incorporated more physical activity into her daily routine. She said that she started playing pickleball, a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. She said that she enjoyed the game and that it helped her burn calories and have fun. She also said that she took pilates classes three times a week, which improved her strength, flexibility, and posture. She said that she did not like exercise, but that she found something that she liked or at least did not hate doing.

What are the benefits of Navarro’s weight loss?

Navarro said that her weight loss has brought her many benefits, both physically and mentally. She said that she feels more energetic, confident, and happy. She said that she sleeps better, breathes easier, and has less joint pain. She also said that her blood sugar levels and cholesterol have improved, and that she is no longer pre-diabetic. She said that she is proud of herself for achieving her weight loss goals and that she is grateful for the support of her friends, family, and fans

Navarro also said that her weight loss has inspired her to pursue other goals and dreams, such as having a baby with her husband, Al Cardenas, whom she married in 2019. She said that she has frozen her eggs and that she is considering surrogacy or adoption. She said that she is optimistic about her future and that she wants to live a long and healthy life.


  • How old is Ana Navarro?

Ana Navarro was born on December 28, 1971, in Chinandega, Nicaragua. She is 53 years old as of 2024.

  • What is Ana Navarro’s net worth?

Ana Navarro’s net worth is estimated to be around $3 million. She earns an annual salary of approximately $400 thousand from her work as a political commentator and strategist.

  • What is Ana Navarro’s religion?

Ana Navarro is a Catholic. She attended a Catholic school in Miami and has expressed her faith on social media. She also had a Catholic wedding ceremony with her husband, Al Cardenas, in 2019.

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