How Ariana Grande Lost 15 Pounds in 2024: Her Diet and Workout Secrets Revealed


ariana grande weight loss 2024

Ariana Grande is one of the most popular and successful singers in the world. She has won numerous awards, sold millions of albums, and performed in front of huge crowds. But she is also known for her petite and slim figure, which she maintains with a strict diet and workout routine.

In 2024, Ariana Grande surprised her fans and the media with her dramatic weight loss. She revealed that she had lost 15 pounds in just a few months, and looked more toned and fit than ever. How did she do it? What are her diet and workout secrets? In this article, we will reveal everything you need to know about Ariana Grande’s weight loss in 2024.

Ariana Grande’s Diet

Ariana Grande has been a vegan since 2013, meaning that she does not eat any animal products, such as meat, dairy, eggs, or honey. She has said that veganism is not only good for her health, but also for the environment and the animals. She also avoids processed foods, refined sugars, and alcohol, and prefers to eat organic and fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds.

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Ariana Grande Weight Loss 2024

Some of the foods that Ariana Grande eats regularly are:

  • Oatmeal with almond milk, berries, and nuts for breakfast
  • Salad with kale, spinach, avocado, quinoa, and chickpeas for lunch
  • Roasted vegetables, tofu, brown rice, and hummus for dinner
  • Smoothies, juices, and herbal teas for snacks and hydration

Ariana Grande also follows the 80/20 rule, which means that she eats healthy 80% of the time, and indulges in her favorite treats 20% of the time. Some of her guilty pleasures are:

  • Vegan cupcakes, cookies, and ice cream
  • Vegan pizza, pasta, and mac and cheese
  • Vegan sushi, burgers, and fries

Ariana Grande has said that she does not count calories or restrict herself too much, but rather listens to her body and eats intuitively. She also drinks plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day, to keep her skin glowing and her metabolism high.

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Ariana Grande Weight Loss 2024

Ariana Grande’s Workout

Ariana Grande is not a fan of the gym, but she loves to dance and perform on stage. She has said that dancing is her favorite form of exercise, and that it helps her burn calories, tone her muscles, and improve her stamina. She also does yoga, pilates, and hiking to stay flexible, strong, and relaxed.

Some of the exercises that Ariana Grande does regularly are:

  • Cardio dance routines for 30 minutes, 3 times a week
  • Yoga poses, such as downward dog, warrior, and tree, for 20 minutes, 2 times a week
  • Pilates moves, such as planks, bridges, and leg lifts, for 15 minutes, 2 times a week
  • Hiking trails, such as Runyon Canyon, for 45 minutes, once a week

Ariana Grande also likes to mix up her workouts and try new things, such as boxing, spinning, and trampoline. She has said that she enjoys working out with her friends, her boyfriend, and her dogs, as they motivate her and make her happy.


How much does Ariana Grande weigh?

Ariana Grande’s weight is not publicly known, but some sources estimate that she weighs around 100 pounds. She is 5 feet 3 inches tall, and has a slim and petite body type.

How did Ariana Grande lose weight?

Ariana Grande lost weight by following a vegan diet, which excludes all animal products, and by dancing and doing yoga, pilates, and hiking as her forms of exercise. She also drinks plenty of water, eats intuitively, and indulges in her favorite treats occasionally.

Is Ariana Grande anorexic?

Ariana Grande is not anorexic, and has never been diagnosed with an eating disorder. She has said that she is happy and healthy, and that she loves her body. She has also spoken out against body shaming and unrealistic beauty standards, and encouraged her fans to embrace their natural beauty and diversity.

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